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How is the investment manager incorporating ESG into their investment process?
Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagree
Comments for the team's extensive ESG integration

Stewardship activities on Engagement and Monitoring Investees/Potential Investees
ExceptionalVery GoodAcceptableAmbiguousPoor
Comments for the team's Engagement and Monitoring effectiveness

Disclosures on engagement and voting availability to ALL investors, from retail to institutional asset owners
ExceptionalVery GoodAcceptableAmbiguousPoor
Comments for the team's taking ESG as materiality factors for investment decisions

To what extent does engagement activity is part of the investment activities?
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagree
Comments for Resource Commitment and Resolution
All factors considered, how would you rate the team's ESG integration strategy and its execution? Please score below: (0: lowest; 10: highest)